
Check An Inn | Six Senses Rome, Italy

Check An Inn | Six Senses Rome, Italy

From exploring iconic landmarks within a few steps to enjoying modern comforts, Six Senses Rome seamlessly blends classic tradition with opulence, making it the perfect haven for those looking for an ultra-luxurious yet historical stay experience.

Founder’s Note | “Sightseeing”—Why Do I hate it, Why I Still Do It, and What are the Alternatives

Founder’s Note | “Sightseeing”—Why Do I hate it, Why I Still Do It, and What are the Alternatives

Our Founder, Keshav Arya shares why we, himself included, religiously give into the wearing act of sightseeing, what makes it compulsive and how we can still pursue it healthily just by including some clever, more immersive experiences in our itineraries.

New Rules of Travel | Instagram Travel Trends That Shouldn't Become Your Reality

New Rules of Travel | Instagram Travel Trends That Shouldn't Become Your Reality

With trending reels and beautifully captured moments, it is quite normal to give in to Instagram travel trends over seeking authentic experiences and that’s why we’re here to bring you back to reality which can be far more beautiful than the virtual presentation.