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Founder’s Note | “Sightseeing”—Why Do I hate it, Why I Still Do It, and What are the Alternatives

On my recent trip to Rome, every local I met told me the same thing, "You only really enjoy Rome after your third or fourth visit”, and I couldn’t agree more. There is no way one can cover all the iconic sights, experience the local culture and simply have a relaxed trip in one go. The pressure to see all the "must-visit" attractions can overwhelm travellers, and the endless crowds can compromise the experience significantly. Sadly, in the FOMO-powered world of 21st-century travel, "Sightseeing" is usually a poor experience, but we still do it.

Why Do I Hate It?

The sheer number of tourists at popular attractions can be overwhelming. Trying to navigate through throngs of people often means that the experience is more about managing the crowd than enjoying the sights. The constant jostling and waiting in long lines can quickly sap the joy out of visiting even the most iconic landmarks. With so many must-see spots on the list, the trip often turns into a hectic race from one landmark to another. The relentless pace can make the entire vacation feel more like a stressful mission than a leisurely exploration. With sightseeing on the itinerary, every moment needs to be thoroughly planned to avoid queues, leaving no room for unexpected discoveries.

The food and beverage options near major tourist centres are often overpriced and underwhelming. These establishments cater to the masses, sacrificing quality for quantity. The pressure to tick off every famous landmark can turn a vacation into a checklist. Instead of enjoying each moment, there's a constant urge to move on to the next site, and this is why I hate it…

But, Why Do I Still Do It?

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a powerful motivator, especially when you’re taking those expensive trips. It just feels like a compulsion to tick off famous attractions. Nobody wants to be the person who went to Paris and didn't see the Eiffel Tower. The iconic sights are iconic for a reason, and there's a sense of achievement in visiting them. This drive to see the famous landmarks often outweighs the known inconveniences, as missing out seems a worse alternative. There is a sense of wonderment amidst all that chaos and it makes it worthwhile, at least for the photos.

What are the Alternatives?

Engaging with the local culture in a more immersive way. Whether its cooking classes in Italy, art workshops in Lisbon or surf lessons in Sydney, learning a new skill can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. These activities offer a deeper connection to the place and its people, enriching the travel experience beyond mere sightseeing.

Take a couple of hours to wander without a plan and discover hidden gems off the beaten path. Some of the best experiences come from simply getting lost in a new city and stumbling upon unexpected wonders. Skip the tourist traps and try to experience the city like a local. Visit local markets, dine in neighbourhood restaurants, and explore historic residential areas to get a true sense of where you are and relish being in that moment. This approach not only avoids the crowds but also provides a more authentic and enriching travel experience.

Sometimes the best way to appreciate a city is to leave it for a day. Explore the countryside, visit nearby towns, or find a natural escape. These trips can provide a refreshing break from the urban hustle and offer a different perspective on the region. Escaping the city can also reveal the natural beauty and cultural richness that might be missed within the urban confines.

While the traditional way of sightseeing has its drawbacks, it's still an integral part of travel for many including myself. However, considering alternatives can enrich the travel experience and provide deeper connections with the destination. By creating an itinerary that includes both iconic landmarks with immersive experiences, you can enjoy a more balanced and fulfilling journey.

Tell us what you hate the most about sightseeing, in the comments section below. To plan a cohesive trip that covers the best of both worlds, Contact Us today.

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