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Founder’s Note | My Travel Resolutions for New Year 2024

As I stand at the crest of 2024, I find myself contemplating the uncharted landscapes and possibilities waiting to be explored. In the spirit of imbibing the transformative nature of travel, I've crafted a set of resolutions that extend beyond the typical promises we make to ourselves. My travel resolutions for 2024 are not merely a checklist of destinations I wish to visit but a deliberate commitment to experiences that foster sustainability, meaningful connections, personal growth, and self-care. I hope my travel resolutions for 2024 can inspire you to make a list of your own that holds the power to shape your travel narrative in the coming year.

1. Embrace Sustainable Travel

Travel has the power to not only be sustainable but also regenerative, and with esteemed partners worldwide contributing significantly to the environment, it only confirms the need to go sustainable now more than ever before. However, if unmonitored, it can lead to severe ecological damage. Aircraft emissions contribute to global warming, and over-tourism harms delicate ecosystems and communities.

Sustainable travel involves deliberate choices, such as opting for eco-conscious accommodations like Awasi and Singita. It may also entail minimizing flights to reduce emissions or choosing to fly economy for a smaller carbon footprint.

2. Travel for Meaningful Connections

Travel is a transformative experience that shapes our personalities and perspectives. For me, it revolves around forging connections—with loved ones on shared journeys, with the spirit and people of the places we explore, and with the planet itself. I’ve had the privilege of being on many life-changing journeys. The profound impact of experiences like my first dive or encountering lion cubs in Botswana drives a desire for more life-changing journeys.

3. Step Beyond Comfort Zone 

Venturing beyond familiar boundaries often leads to extraordinary experiences. I've always hated hiking. But on my last trip to Bhutan, I braved the arduous journey to the top of the Tiger's Nest, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I was well outside of my comfort zone, but I loved it. 

The magic truly does happen outside your comfort zone, no matter what it is. It would be silly to miss seeing the Northern Lights, just because you're scared of the cold, or miss diving with dolphins because you're not comfortable in the water. 

4. Travel for Knowledge

Travel is a continual learning experience, providing insights into the world, diverse cultures, and personal growth. I've learned an incredible amount about the world we live in, fascinating cultures and even about myself through my travels. One of my most educational journeys of 2023 was to Six Senses Vana, where I learnt the importance of caring for myself in every way e—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

5. Travel for Self-Care

Amidst our hectic urban lives, self-neglect is common. Our bodies bear the brunt of pollution and unhealthy lifestyles, while our minds suffer under the weight of stress. Travel presents a rare chance to prioritize self-care, from rejuvenating the body through wellness retreats to indulging in digital detox breaks. It is an opportunity to break the cycle and prioritize our well-being.

On this note, I encourage fellow travellers to infuse their travel aspirations with purpose and mindfulness. Let the coming year(s) be more for your personal growth than just a year-round collection of destinations. Choose sustainability, forge connections, step outside your comfort zone, and let every journey be an opportunity to learn and care for yourself.

Time for you to pen down your Travel Resolutions for 2024. If you may, share it with us in the comments below—we’d love to hear from you.

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